AI Training at Puritan AI 

Find out more about the AI training we provide here at Puritan AI. We provide professional training, so if anything is of interest to you, please contact us. We are constantly providing more and more training, so if you cannot find what you are looking for, please enquire further, we are happy to help. 

Intro to AI 

AI is the future. Whether you are new to AI or looking to build on basics, we offer a comprehensive learning path, to build a solid base knowledge of AI. 

Prompt Engineering 

You need to ask the right questions to get the most out of AI. With our help, prompt engineering will become simple, and AI will be an even bigger tool in your arsenal. 

AI in Education

The next revolution in education is AI. Using adaptive learning platforms and intelligent tutoring systems is becoming more commonplace, and using our tuition, you can join the new wave in education. 

AI Chatbot Customer Relationship Management Integration Workshop 

Gone are the days of human agents. We offer an workshop for an inclusive chatbot which can interact with customers and talk to the CRM database, to provide insights on what common queries each customer brought up using the chatbot.  

Machine Learning (ML) and Ethics in AI


ML is part of the future. By using algorithms and data to allow AI to imitate how humans learn, our programme teaches you how to improve the use of your AI. Ethics are also a large part of AI, and our course shows how to ethically manage your AI use. 

Deep Dive Into Hugging Face

Hugging Face is an ML platform which helps users build, launch and improve ML models. In this programme we teach the ins and outs of Hugging Face and how to get the most out of the ground-breaking tool. 

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